Wonder Club

Have you ever wanted to send your friend a secret message that no-one else can read? Then you might know of invisible ink—a special type of ink that you can use for writing and that does not show up on paper. Only after a special treatment will it appear again magically, and the message can be read. How does this...

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Time for Toddlers – Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra “Nutcracker”

Nutrien Wonderhub 950 Spadina Cres E, Saskatoon

Winter has arrived, and the Sugar Plum Fairy is on her way! Join the Saskatoon Symphony Core Musicians for a journey to the Marzipan Palace featuring the music of Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker along with familiar music of the season. You may want to bring your dancing shoes… TWO SESSIONS: 10AM & 11:15 AM. Participants must be pre-registered with the SSO here. ...

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STEAM Adventure

Join us for our robotic adventure drop-in program! This hands-on activity will let you and your little ones have fun learning beginner coding concepts with our cute little Botley Robots and Cubelets sets.