Wonderhub Preschool FAQ

How many children will be in each class? 

A maximum of 12 children will be able to register in each class, Monday/Wednesday/Friday (ages 3-4) and Tuesday/Thursday (ages 4-5).

What are the Preschool Leader’s qualifications?  

Our Education Manager and Director of Education each hold a B.Ed qualification. Our preschool leaders hold a combination of ECE, B.Ed, and experience working with early years education. Bios of our Preschool leaders are coming soon! 

Is my child allowed to attend both cohorts? 

No. We ask that families register for either Monday/Wednesday/Friday or Tuesday/Thursday and not both.  

Is there an afternoon preschool?  

Not at this time.  

What will my child learn at Wonderhub Preschool? 

Each day will look a little different as we learn and play together. Our preschool leaders will set up learning stations including Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math and Literacy. Play is central to what we do at Wonderhub, and children at Preschool will have an opportunity to explore our exhibits, take part in science, math, art, literacy, and other interactive play-based centres. Each day will also include outdoor play and exploration. An example of a daily rhythm is below:  

  1. 8:50-9:05am – Drop-off
  2. Soft landing – children will participate in playful activities designed to gently welcome them to
    the space and day.
  3. Morning Greeting. We will gather to greet each other and the day and prepare for our
  4. Museum exploration, Process Based Artwork, or Early Numeracy/Literacy Play
  5. Snack and Storytime
  6. Outdoor play and exploration
  7. 11:10-11:25am – Pick-up  

Does my child need to be potty trained? 

Yes. Children must be bathroom independent to attend Wonderhub Preschool. This means they can recognize and communicate their need to go to the bathroom, use the toilet by themselves, dress and undress without assistance and wipe without assistance. Bathrooms are available in the Wonderhub museum galleries and lobby. Preschoolers will be accompanied to the washrooms by an adult who will remain outside of the door or stall.  

Is there before and after school care prior to 9am or after 11:15am?  

Not at this time. We ask that caregivers pick-up and drop off within 10 minutes of the scheduled times. Late fees will apply for late pick-ups.  

What are the class sizes?  

Our class size is 12 children with one preschool leader, and one educational assistant per class. This is a ratio of 1:6 for adults to children 

Are parent/caregivers required to help at preschool? 

We always welcome helpers and volunteers to assist with projects, excursions, and outdoor play. There is no set schedule or requirement for parent volunteers, but we will invite helpers from time to time as well as host family events during the preschool calendar. Please Note: any volunteers at Wonderhub are required to complete a Criminal Record Check with Vulnerable Sector.  

What if my child has allergies? 

Wonderhub Preschool is a nut-free environment and we ask families not to send nut containing snacks to preschool. The Wonderhub itself in not a nut-free environment, and has one area where members of the public are allowed to consume snacks, and the preschool will not use this area. If your child uses an Epi-pen or has other allergy considerations, please ensure this is communicated clearly on your registration. Occasionally, a small snack or food item may be served at preschool. We will communicate this in advance and respect all allergies and dietary preferences when planning for food at preschool.  

Will Wonderhub Preschool run in September 2025?  

Our current preschool program runs from January -June 2025 as a pilot project. We are hoping to launch a more permanent program in September 2025.