Friday, October 1, 2021
As a Museum, Wonderhub falls under the public health order that is effective October 1, 2021 which states that a provincial requirement for proof of vaccination or negative test from within 72 hours will be required for public access to our facility for everyone over the age of 12. Additionally, for those over the age of 17 they will need to also show one piece of government issued ID.
The only acceptable forms of proof of vaccination are:
- A QR code/MySaskHealthRecord vaccine certificate (SK Vax Wallet app is now available for download)
- Wallet cards received at time of immunization
- A printed copy of your MySaskHealthRecord (MSHR) vaccine certificate (with or without a QR code)
- A screenshot of your MSHR vaccine certificate (with or without a QR code) saved to your device
- An earlier version of your MSHR COVID-19 vaccine certificate
- A COVID-19 vaccine printout from Saskatchewan Health Authority Public Health
Please note that:
- A self-administered take-home rapid antigen test is not accepted as valid proof of negative COVID-19 results. Only rapid antigen tests or a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test that were administered by a health professional at an approved testing site will be accepted.The SHA currently has multiple approved testing sites for individuals who are asymptomatic (Quantum Genetics, Haztech and Nobel HSSE), and each of them will issue an official certificate indicating their test results. For a list of approved testing sites, please visit HERE.
Please do not bring in physical tests, as only certificates will be accepted by our staff for health and safety reasons. - Children under the age of 12 are currently exempt from the proof of vaccination or negative test requirement.
- Please note that the proof of vaccination public health order is in addition to the mandatory mask mandate for all visitors over the age of 2.
All of these details, and any updates from the SHA will be posted on our website at
Effective Friday, September 17, 2021, an interim public health order is in effect requiring the use of non-medical masks in all indoor public spaces in Saskatchewan, including schools.
What to expect when you arrive:
Individuals experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 may not enter the building.
- We are open Tuesday to Sunday 9am-6pm on a first come, first serve basis.
Members and general admission welcome.
Our facility is shoeless so all shoes will need to be removed prior to entering the museum to help keep our facility clean. For those requiring shoes for mobility issues, shoe covers will be available. Barefoot or sock use is acceptable.
No outside food or drink is permitted in the galleries at any time, with the exception of water bottle in a bottle or formula in baby bottles.
Water fountains are open for drinking and bottle filling.
All visitors must complete a new waiver and attestation of health before experiencing the museum (regardless of
previous waivers signed). Contact information is collected at this time for contact tracing. -
All family units are strongly encouraged to travel together through the museum. All children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
Handwashing is required when entering and encouraged throughout your visit.
We ask that everyone that is able to wear a mask to please do so.
- Wonderhub continues to perform increased sanitizing and cleaning throughout the museum everyday, including fogging exhibits and spaces with disinfectant.
- A stroller cleaning station is available in our vestibule prior to entering to help keep our facility clean.
- All fire code and structural capacities related to spaces and fixtures in the museum remain in place.