Discovery Dash – Thank You
Thank you for participating today in the Discovery Dash, we hope that you had a lot of fun!
Thank you to all of our amazing sponsors who helped make this event possible.
Thank you to our Sponsors:
Carla Loney-Tindall & Joe Tindall, Affinity Insurance Services, Orano, Wright Construction Western Inc, Island, Loraas Disposal North Ltd., Strata Development, Rawlco Radio, C95, Saskatoon StarPhoenix
Thank you to our Prize Donors:
Saskatoon Inn & Conference Centre, Loraas Disposal North Ltd., Rawlco Radio, C95, DTNYXE, Hearth Restaurant, Saskatchewan Rattlers
Don’t forget to submit your Dashport to Wonderhub by 6pm on Wednesday, February 17th, 2021 to be entered into our door prize draws. Dashports can be submitted in person, or via email to [email protected]