Creative Movement Fun with Free Flow Dance Theatre

Nutrien Wonderhub 950 Spadina Cres E, Saskatoon

Wonderhub & Free Flow Dance Theatre are excited to present the Creative Movement Fun program! These workshops serve as an introduction to creative movement for children and youth ages 7-13. Together, we will explore musicality, movement, and gesture. Using our imagination, improvisation, and games, participants will learn dance basics including posture, rhythm, and patterns. We will explore elements of jazz,...


Me, You and the NICU Book

Nutrien Wonderhub 950 Spadina Cres E, Saskatoon

Join Paige Bautz in Wonderhub's Gathering woods on October 8th at 3pm for an in person reading of Me, You and the NICU. The event is included in the cost of admission so be sure to arrive early to get your spot. Signed copies of the book will be available for purchase through Wonderhub's Gift Shop. To find out more...

free with admission